Sunday, April 13, 2014

CopyRight: The Power of a Praying Wife (Stormie Omartian)

I've had this book for almost two years now but didn't get ample time to read the whole thing. I was a Bible student the time I had it and was engrossed in Bible references. This year, as I was rearranging my hoarded books, I felt the urge to put on top of my long table - Stormie Omartian's books: The Power of a Praying Parent, The Power of a Praying Husband and the Power of a Praying Wife. I had Omartian's The Power of Praying Through The Bible but I remember handing it over to a brother in Christ who just flew to Papua New Guinea for work. My better half started reading the Power of a Praying Husband last year and for the record he's already halfway through it. 

Now got my chance to read The Power of a Praying Wife, let me type/write and share in here the most profound points (I strongly believe) Stormie had said in this book. All she had written made sense to which I can relate to so well as a wife in this God-given life. I need not to give out my opinions in every areas of what she had written, explained and elaborated to even her own life's examples to her point of view for they are already equivalent to a complete menu. No need for ad-ons. So, for those who cannot find a copy in prints of this book, you may refer to this compilation I'll be posting here on my blog.