Monday, December 6, 2010

Baby, Baby, Baby Oh

It’s not only hard and tasking to have babies and kids, it’s also fun! It depends on how a person looks on each side of the coin. Everybody knows these tiny humans are very delicate, more sensitive, require more attention and always in need to be cared for. My twins at home were preemies. The big one weighed 3.6 lbs. at the time of birth and the second at 2.9 lbs. The smallest was even fed using a tiny tube inserted through his nose during his first 5 days because he can't suck milk from my breasts even from the feeding bottle. We even hunted for a blood donor for him those times and God blessed us we found one, only for a 20cc. The twins were incubated for almost two weeks and gladly now they are already big boys at five!

With my daughter Reese, she’s a full month-term baby. She weighed 7.6 lbs. when she was born. I guess my tummy could only carry one fetus at a time until its mature date, LOL. Good thing my husband is a hands on dad. Even if we didn't have our parents and a helper during our daughter’s first few months to help us in tending her, we had managed to go to work at the same time while purring over the tiny creature as we took turns.

Baby lingo and kids’ lingo is a stardom for doting mothers and fathers especially when their offspring begin to utter words and sounds. Here are a few examples I take time to listen, laugh to and even make me hug and kiss the twins and Reese whenever we were together at home:

From the twins: Maki & Zekai:
Roller Coaster – Loller Coasler
Margarine – Maaargaren
Chocolate – Shokolit
Discovery Channel – Diskabri Shanel
National Geographic - Nat Jugrafic
Toblerone - Beron

From Reese:
Love You – Yabuu
Thank You – Tekyu, Tentiu
Bye-bye – Babyu
Excuse – Eshus
Dora – Duda
Spongebob- Bugshbugsh
Uno, Dos, Tres, Kwatro  – Un, du, tre, tro
A, B, C – D, B, C, E
Eggplant – Eeeeplan
Water – Tuter
Milk - Ulk
Malong (a blanket made by Muslims in the Philippines) - Manun
Remote - Memowt
Cat - Tat

Visitors at home would ask, “Do you understand what your kids are talking about?” I’d say, “Of course! Mother’s instinct. “

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