Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Grocery List

I had typed the draft of this post while waiting for my husband inside the Gaisano Ilustre Mall to pick me up along with my grocery bags filled with stuff for our next week’s consumption at home. My bags contain my daughter’s can of milk, diapers, her jellies and crackers, shampoo, detergent soap in bars and in powder, teabags in boxes, brown sugar, two dozens of eggs, powder juice in foils, my favorite Nature’s Bread Wheat Bread, a few cans of sardines and beef loaf, my sanitary napkins, liniments, bleach, vegetable cooking oil and a whole lot more! 

Before, I did my grocery without a list or if there was, I seldom or I rarely stick to it. And my impulsive buying had cost me so much waste on the figures I am entrusted to budget. There would be things and foods I bought that were being thrown in the garbage sacks because I would just realize after a month or so they were unwanted in my household, my family won’t eat or use them or they are at most unnecessary. Always after discarding, I’d feel guilty. After so much REALIZATION on my part, I began and started making my grocery list. I’m doing this good step for a year and a few months now and gladly it made a good outcome. Saturday is my grocery and market day and every Monday is my start-to-make-a-list-day. I also had instructed my helper at home to tell me whenever we are already running out of soap, cooking oil, Gasul, sugar, spices and rice which are the basic commodities at home so I can immediately go downtown to refill our counters and containers.

Forty percent of our household income goes to the supermarket and twenty percent goes to the local market and for our health expenses and benefits, ten percent is our tithes, another ten percent is divided for miscellaneous and our house helper’s salary and the last ten percent goes to our savings accounts in banks. Somehow we have managed to make both ends meet. And as what I’m blurting out in frequent, there will always be blessings. We see to it what we get from our work goes to its designated envelopes and what we get from our sidelines, people around and some of our etcera will still be kept in their proper folders, to be used for good investments, to be of help and to assist people in need, to be spent wisely and to be used for  the future and present use that are necessary.

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